Month: October 2022

Top Factors to Consider When Selecting a Condo Concierge Security Service in Toronto

If you are living in a luxury and high-end condominium, 24-hour security and a concierge service are some of the perks that you expect. It is part of the price you pay to enjoy the exclusivity and security of that building. For property managers and owners, hiring a condo concierge security service is an essential part of making residents feel safe and secure. 

The challenge here lies not in finding a security firm that can keep your property secure. It’s in ensuring that you pick a firm that can meet your expectations and that of your clients. 

Factors to Consider When Hiring a Condo Concierge Security Service

Before you embark on the search for the best firm that can offer the best condo concierge security service in Toronto, it pays to know the factors to consider. Them possessing any of the skills and competencies listed below will give you the assurance that you have picked the right people in the business.

1. Highly trained and flexible security guards

In protecting condos, the expectations of the roles and responsibilities of security guards have expanded. Hiring well-trained and experienced security guards is non-negotiable. Training is important so that the guards are well-equipped and able to respond most efficiently to all kinds of threats. Proper training will also enable them to face these threats while staying calm.

However, security guards are asked to go beyond the standard services. The security guards must also be responsible for checking on equipment, tracking and monitoring visitor parking, key tracking, incident reporting and, in some cases, managing parcels or deliveries. The guards must be competent to handle any task that is thrown at them during their shift. The ability to offer services beyond the limitations of their roles is what defines a reliable and competent condo concierge security service.

Concierge Security In Toronto

2. Customization of services

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to security services. Every building or property is subject to different kinds or levels of threats. Therefore, the most reliable condo concierge security firm can tailor its services based on the assessment of threats. 

For example, the security measures applied to residential property are not the same when managing a commercial complex. Security firms that understand and implement this are ahead of their competition. 

Before deploying security guards and staff to your building, the firm must conduct a thorough evaluation of your security needs. This approach will enable them to provide the appropriate level of security measures to fit your needs. The delivery of bespoke security solutions also reflects the firm’s flexibility when meeting the unique requirements of each property.

3. Security services beyond the scope of technology

In today’s digital era, there is too much reliance on technology for some firms when providing security services. However, this method of providing services is largely flawed since technology is subject to failure. 

Although technology is advancing at a rapid pace, it is no replacement for the trained human eye. An overreliance on technology is not a good thing, especially for a security firm responsible for securing an entire building. 

The primary goal of implementing a security team to monitor your building is to deter threats and incidents. Essentially, the firm has failed its job when it is unable to deter such crimes from happening. This scenario exposes the most common flaw in a technology-based approach to providing security. 

In most cases, once the security or surveillance cameras are deployed, no one is there to actively monitor those cameras for any suspicious activity. Even if the incident was managed to be captured on film, there are instances when the perpetrator is unrecognizable so no one is apprehended.. 

Installing cameras throughout the building is not enough to assure the residents of a condo building that they are living in a secure environment. Properly trained security personnel must be available on-site to defuse any threats and to address any situations and decide whether to alert the residents or not. Security technology tools are good to have but they are not enough to replace human beings.

Toronto condo concierge security monitoring system

4. An integrated approach to security

Furthermore, an integrated approach in your condo concierge security system must be employed. Such an approach involves both the use of cutting-edge technology and traditional security measures that involves security guards. This seamless combination of humans and technology is integral to the success of keeping the entire building secure.

The reason that you need both is that neither technology nor humans can be in two places at once. An integrated approach is one way to ensure that you have all bases covered – literally and figuratively speaking. In a condo unit, you are monitoring not just the residents but also visitors that come in and out of the building. It can be difficult to keep track of the traffic if you have to rely on only the human element or the technological element. Both aspects need to work together to ensure a seamless process of maintaining everyone’s security. 

5. Licensing and legal requirements

While most property managers refuse to admit it, the common make-or-break factor when choosing a condo concierge security service is pricing. The most expensive firm is not guaranteed to offer the best service, while the cheapest one won’t assure you of value either.

The gist here is to look beyond pricing and be objective in assessing the capacity of the security firm to provide the required services. The best way to do that is to look at their licence. The legal requirement for operating a condo concierge security service in Toronto is that personnel must comply with provincial or state licensing requirements. This licence will serve as proof that the personnel has undergone the necessary professional training. It also means that the personnel have basic knowledge of first aid and are protected with insurance.

For specialized services or equipment, you must choose a firm that has the proper licence for the job. 

Final Tip

Securing an entire building is not an easy task. If you consider the factors discussed above, there is no guarantee that you can hire the best in the business. However, you can be assured that you will find the firm that will be the best fit for your needs. 

What Value Does a Toronto Condo Security Concierge Service Offer?

Part of the appeal of condo living is having a dedicated security team and concierge. Residents enjoy added value for their property because of these services that ensure safety and peace of mind when inside the building and premises. For the condo owners and property managers, hiring a condo security concierge service is a huge investment. This investment will pay off if you choose the right firm for the job. 

What is a Condo Security Concierge Service?

A condo security concierge service is a dedicated security team whose sole responsibility is to provide high-security service to a property, such as a condominium. Concierge services are common in hotels and resorts. Nowadays, modern condos also have a concierge team to assist residents and guests. 

You can take your value-added services to the next level by having a security team for the concierge service. Working with this type of service is a foolproof way to enhance your security measures within the business property. 

Value Offered by a Toronto Condo Security Concierge Service

Is hiring a condo security team worth the investment? There is no question that you need a dedicated security team to keep everyone in your building safe and secure. The real question is how you can get the most value out of their services. 

Deter Crimes

Toronto has a relatively low crime rate compared to other major cities in the world. The past few years saw a dip in property crimes and other non-violent crimes, according to data from Statista

However, the historically low crime rate in the city does not mean that you can relax the standards of the security department of your residential building. Crimes can happen at any time and when you least expect them. 

The best way to fight crime is to prevent it. Even though Toronto is known for its low crime rate and non-violent crimes, it does not make any of the crimes reported any less significant. For the security and peace of mind of condo dwellers, it is a must to implement a solid security plan with the help of professionals

The goal of hiring a condo security concierge team is not to deal with crimes. Instead, their goal is to take a proactive approach to crime prevention. Intensifying your security measures in the condominium building will discourage criminals from conducting any suspicious activities. The presence of a security team will make your residents feel safer.

 security team for the concierge service in Toronto

Prompt Incident Response

Security teams and personnel are trained to assess, handle, and respond to threats of any kind. They also get additional training on emergency response, such as first aid and detailed reporting of accounts. 

While there are police forces and emergency medical teams available in Toronto to aid your residents in cases of emergency, it’s important that you also have a security team with such capabilities. A prompt response to any such incident can lessen the negative impact of that incident. The security personnel are trained to handle any emergencies calmly and helpfully. 

In addition, they can serve as eyewitnesses in case security incidents do occur. With their trained and expert eye, they can provide detailed accounts of the event to help with the police investigation. 

Avoid Vandalism

Graffiti vandalism is a major issue in Toronto. The city deploys a Graffiti Management team to proactively handle this issue and to prevent vandalism in public and private spaces, but this isn’t always enough. 

You can also implement security measures to prevent vandalism on your property. For a luxury or high-rise condo, the aesthetic value of your building is integral to your branding and the allure of the property. Preventing vandalism is a proactive and effective measure to ensure that the value of your property is preserved. 

Spending a little extra on these precautions now will save you money in the long run.

implement security measures to prevent vandalism on your property

Boost Security and Peace of Mind

There is no price too high to pay if it means superior security among residents and employees, as well as peace of mind. This is a great way to entice property buyers and to make your property more desirable for investors. 

Ensure Employee and Guest Safety

Protecting the residents in the condominium is a top priority when hiring a security concierge team. However, they also serve to protect the safety and welfare of employees and guests when they come into your building.

You must keep your employees feeling secure and safe within the premises to boost their satisfaction level and morale. The happier your employees are, the better the service they provide to the residents and guests. 

Strong Selling Proposition

You can use a qualified condo security concierge service as a strong selling point for anyone who might be interested in buying a unit in your condominium. Buyers are very picky nowadays and they actively research their options, particularly the benefits and perks offered by each property.

Employing a dedicated security team is one way that you can assure your residents that they are safe within the building. With a competitive Toronto real estate market, any competitive advantage should be utilized fully. 

Trust Only Qualified Condo Security Concierge Services

Not all condo concierge security services are made equal. Choosing a less qualified firm for the job could be worse than having no security plan at all. 

Implement the right steps to screen condo security concierge services so you can work with the best. It’s not enough that you have security guards in the vicinity if they are incapable or lack sufficient training to assess and handle threats. With the right firm, you can rest assured that they not only provide assistance during times of crisis, but also help deter crimes in the first place.

A qualified condo security concierge service provides you with a comprehensive security plan. This security plan is tailored to fit your unique needs and threats to your property. The team will conduct a walk-around of the area to assess the unique setup and the potential challenges based on their experience and assessment of the situation. 

Moreover, the best firm offers more than just friendly faces to greet residents and guests by the door. They are your assurance that you take security seriously and that the condo residents are in capable hands.