Category: Mobile Security

Are Mobile Patrol Services Worth the Investment?

Investing in mobile patrol services stands out as a pivotal decision for any business. The aftermath of the pandemic has brought about a considerable uptick in retail crimes, posing a substantial challenge for businesses across diverse sectors. Beyond the retail landscape, various organizations also find themselves under the looming threat of such crimes. In light of these challenges, it becomes imperative to implement heightened security measures. One effective strategy involves the deployment of additional security personnel. 

This proactive approach is instrumental in mitigating risks, fostering a safer environment, and ultimately curbing the financial losses incurred due to criminal activities. By adopting these measures, businesses can not only fortify their security protocols but also protect their assets, ensuring a more resilient and secure operational landscape in the face of evolving threats

Now, there are various types of security services that businesses can consider. Why choose mobile patrol services? This guide explores why this type of security is a worthwhile investment.

Skilled and dedicated security team on patrol

What is a Mobile Patrol Service?

Mobile patrol services refer to trained security personnel that patrol a specific area or site. Depending on its expanse, they can patrol the guarded area on foot or with a vehicle. The primary purpose of mobile patrol units is to provide a visible security presence and deter crimes. Knowing a security presence within an area can make criminals think twice before committing crimes. In any situation, deterring crimes is far more effective than solving crimes. It is the goal of businesses and organizations that employ mobile patrol services. 

However, their roles and responsibilities can go beyond that scope as long as they aim to ensure peace and security for businesses and their customers. 

What Makes Mobile Patrol Services a Worthy Investment?

Are you contemplating hiring a mobile patrol service for your organization? These benefits will convince you that it is a worthy investment.

1. Security Presence in Multiple Locations

The main advantage of mobile patrol service officers is their ability to oversee multiple locations during their shift. Traditional static guards are positioned in one location, usually near entrance or exit points (or critical access points). Criminals can easily bypass this security presence by devising entry strategies from a different access point. Therefore, it is not uncommon for many guarded buildings or businesses to get robbed without the guards’ knowledge.

Organizations that wish to enhance their security measures deploy mobile patrol units instead. During their shift, these security officers explore the area on foot or by vehicle to inspect multiple areas of the same property. It allows your business to gain a broader scope regarding security since they are not limited to one area. This security service suits businesses that require flexible security arrangements or those with a large area to cover, such as museums, warehouses, car dealerships, shopping malls, schools, etc. 

2. Responsive Security

Mobile patrol services are hired primarily to secure a property or facility. However, these security personnel are also highly trained in responding to emergencies. Since they patrol the area, they can quickly identify trespassing activities, fires, floods, and other hazards. Their quick response to the incident could save lives or limit damage to the business property. 

3. Crime Deterrent

As mentioned, the visible presence of mobile patrol guards provides additional protection by deterring crimes. Hiring professional security personnel to monitor the property and deter crimes is more cost-efficient than it is to apprehend criminals. 

The cost-effectiveness of mobile patrol services makes them a worthy investment for businesses of all sizes and for various industries. 

4. Perform Various Security Checks

Mobile security patrols offer multi-dimensional services. You can rely on them for various security needs beyond limiting access to property from unwanted individuals. They can explore potential areas of vulnerability in the property that criminals could exploit. Therefore, they will closely inspect the interior and exterior of the building and the area within the property premises. They are not content with performing security checks in the visible areas but closely inspect other locations where criminals could hide from their scope of vision.

Mobile patrol security officer checking the premises

5. Build a Robust Security Strategy

The advanced training and skill set of mobile security patrols allows them to provide valuable insights into building a robust security plan. They use data and observations to make informed decisions and supplement security strategies. Their goal is to bring peace of mind to business and property owners by using what they know to prevent theft and other incidents from occurring in the future.

6. Visitor and Customer Safety

The main priority for mobile security patrols is to ensure the safety of customers and visitors when they come into the property. They scope out the surrounding areas for potential threats and ensure that crimes are prevented before they happen, especially at night. 

Their professional and security expertise makes them a valuable addition to the organization. It boosts your brand image as being trustworthy and reliable. This investment can pay off big as it allows you to attract more customers to your business by prioritizing their safety.

7. Professionalism

Mobile security patrol officers are highly trained, professional individuals. Their primary training is focused on security awareness and enhancement. However, they also have training in assisting customers and providing support where needed. Their professionalism can further boost your business image by providing a pleasant experience for customers and visitors. 

Businesses That Can Benefit Most from Mobile Patrol Services

What type of businesses can primarily benefit from mobile patrol services? Any business or organization requiring top-notch security will find these security officers a worthwhile investment. However, certain industries or business types are best suited for this security solution.

  • Retail businesses can benefit from mobile security because they are constantly under threat from shoplifters and other retail criminals.
  • Manufacturing and industrial sites require mobile security patrols to protect their facilities and heavy equipment against theft. These facilities are a bedrock of expensive equipment that thieves and criminals could target.
  • Gated communities and residential complexes require mobile security patrols to maintain the privacy and security of the residents. 
  • Shopping malls cover a large area, including the parking lot. Hence, they require the presence of mobile security units to cover the entire facility and maintain the safety of the shoppers and tenants. 
  • Government buildings also require mobile security patrols due to the influx of government officials and private individuals. 

Leverage the expertise of a mobile security patrol to give you peace of mind. Their knowledge and expertise can boost existing security measures and help in deterring crimes.

Top 4 Key Benefits of Hiring a Mobile Security Patrol 

Security is a vital aspect of any business. Since a business space holds valuable items and physical assets, it is crucial to employ top-notch security services to ensure the safety of these valuable items and deter criminals. However, devising a robust security strategy becomes challenging when managing a large or complex business site. The presence of security guards in one part of the building makes other areas vulnerable to criminal activities, primarily through coordinated planning of attacks. For this reason, you should consider hiring a mobile security patrol to facilitate close monitoring of the entire premises, not just one area.

What Are the Roles and Responsibilities of a Mobile Security Patrol Officer?

Understanding the roles and responsibilities of a mobile security patrol enables you to determine its advantage to your organization. Mobile security patrols differ from static security guards who stay in one area to guard its immediate perimeter. For example, security guards control and regulate access to a building through its entry and exit points. 

Mobile patrol security surveillance in progress

On the other hand, mobile security patrols do the same job of ensuring the safety and security of the premises. However, they do not remain in one spot; they patrol the surrounding areas of a particular site they are assigned to guard at any given time. Mobile patrols provide roving services within the vicinity to keep an eye on suspicious individuals or activities. These security guards employ vehicles to make it easier to cover a large area and provide a visual deterrent to thieves and other criminals.

Top 4 Benefits of Hiring a Mobile Security Patrol 

A mobile security patrol is a significant investment for businesses and property owners. So, why choose it over traditional security services?

1. Mobile Security Patrols Offer a Comprehensive Security Plan

The primary role of mobile security patrol units is to secure the building or property from unlawful activities. Qualified mobile security patrol officers have extensive training in all aspects of security – from monitoring the immediate premises of a building or residence to maintaining access control and detection of suspicious activities or individuals. Therefore, they are highly skilled at analyzing criminal behaviour to alert other security personnel of a potential crime and to contain the activity before it happens.

In addition, these are highly trained individuals who can respond to emergencies in case of a security breach. Their immediate response helps minimize damage to the property and facilitates investigating crimes if they do occur. As part of their training, they have a keen eye and attention to detail that allows them to stay alert if there are signs of ongoing criminal activity or the possibility of such an activity.

2. Mobile Security Patrol Officers Provide Active and Real-Time Monitoring

Static guards provide security in the building or property entrance or exit points. However, there are limitations in how they provide security to your building and its occupants since they remain posted in one area. 

On the other hand, mobile security patrols provide active security monitoring because they are constantly on the move. They use patrol vehicles to roam the area and scope out any suspicious activities within the premises. This active presence allows them to respond to potential criminal activities in real-time and avoid serious damage or financial loss to the property.

Mobile security patrols alone cannot deliver a complete security solution for businesses. Therefore, you could employ their services alongside other security measures, such as installing video surveillance systems, biometric systems, and other tracking devices. Using technology can further enhance the security level of the property, making it more difficult for criminals to penetrate.

Mobile patrols provide roving services within the vicinity

3. Mobile Security Patrols Deter Criminals

Planned criminal activities require careful assessment of the properties they will target for their next activity. One consideration when they choose a property to target is the presence and visibility of security personnel. 

Employing a mobile security patrol to guard your property or building can help deter criminals. It makes your building a less probable target for such criminal activities as they have a higher chance of getting caught. This is especially true when a roving guard or mobile patrol is present in different areas of the property. There are no vulnerable areas where criminals could attempt to gain entry into a property. 

4. Mobile Patrol Security Officers Give You Cost Savings

Hiring a mobile patrol security to guard your property premises is a cost-efficient and cost-saving investment. 

It might seem counterproductive to say that hiring mobile security is cost-efficient. However, hiring mobile security when needed is more cost-effective than hiring full-time, static guards. You only pay for the services you need, allowing you to adjust the security solutions to match your needs and budget. The adaptability of mobile security services makes for a seamless fit for the various requirements of different businesses and properties. 

For example, retail businesses and complexes might have seasonal demands wherein they expect a higher influx of customer traffic during the holiday season. Therefore, you can scale your security team by employing a mobile security patrol to fortify your existing security measures without hiring full-time security personnel. 

Also, the cost savings can come from preventing property damage or theft. Businesses lose thousands annually due to theft and property damage, especially if the insurance coverage against property damage is insufficient. Therefore, businesses have to cover the cost of damages, resulting in significant profit losses. Hiring a mobile security team can compensate for these losses, which makes them a cost-effective solution.

Final Recommendations When Hiring a Mobile Security Patrol 

Hiring a mobile security patrol for your property or business is not an all-in-one security solution. It is just one of many tools you should employ to ensure you can deter criminals and keep your property secure. 

In addition, diligently vet your options among mobile security patrol providers to ensure you can find the right fit for your business needs. It ensures that you have the right solution to give you peace of mind and a return on investment.