Mobile Patrol

There are times when locks, gates, alarms and cameras may not be enough for you to feel as though your premises are completely safe from intruders and vandals. At Magnum Protective Services, we recognize an effective visible security presence is paramount. We offer fully uniformed mobile security guards in marked patrol vehicles to significantly reduce the opportunity for crime such as trespassing, vandalism and theft, through an effective external security patrol of your premises.

As a bespoke service, our mobile security guards can also conduct an internal foot patrol of your premises ensuring all access points including windows and doors are locked, and that there are no water leaks or safety hazards. Our mobile security staff are trained to respond to a wide range of security situations, so if any suspicious or criminal activity does occur you can be assured of a rapid and effective response.

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Patrol guard using walkie talkie Security guard out on patrol

Contact Us

Phone: 416-591-1566

Fax: 416-591-1568

1043 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON M6H 1M4

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Our professionalism is in our people. Our guards are committed to delivering value to our clients twenty-four hours, seven days a week. Our training programs, management support systems and staff commitment have resulted in us having one of the most loyal, well trained and professional contract security services in Toronto.